Apostle Paul Terrorist To Evangelist

Apostle Paul Terrorist To Evangelist

The Apostle Paul is undoubtedly one of the most important characters of the early Christian church. He went from being one of the most feared terrorists of the early church to its greatest evangelist. Paul planted churches throughout Asia Minor and Europe travelling hundreds of miles by land and sea to do so.

Paul had an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus and became a dedicated apostle. He was just as dedicated to winning souls for Christ as he was in persecuting them before his conversion. Paul was the embodiment of the Great Commission travelling from city to city preaching, teaching and baptising all nations.


Paul Demonstrated What Christians Should Be Doing


If you were in any doubt of what it is that God called you to do then read the book of Acts and particularly pay attention to the life of Paul. Reaching the lost by spreading the gospel is the commission that has been given to all Christians. The gifts that we have will be different, so will our approach but we can all learn lessons from Paul’s dedication. He dedicated his life to the work and laid the foundations for the Christian faith.


Apostle Paul Terrorised Christians


Paul did some terrible things before he came to the Lord and although he thought he was doing God’s work. He was definitely on the wrong side of Salvation.

If you’re reading this and you were thinking that what you’ve done in the past is too bad for God to use you well you’re wrong. God will take what you have and use it for His Glory. It matters not what you did, your past does not define your destiny and when you became a Christian the slate was wiped clean.

Paul was committed to his work when he was a Pharisee and the Job of bringing Christians to justice. To him at that time, Christ was a fraud and His followers were spreading heresy. So he felt justified in what he was doing and was intent on doing a good job.


Paul Knew The Law But Didn’t Understand Who Jesus Was


Paul was no idiot, in fact, he had been taught by the best teacher from a very young age.

Acts 22:3 He continued, “I am a Jewish man, born in Tarsus of Cilicia but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel and educated according to the strict view of our patriarchal law. Being zealous for God, just as all of you are today.

Before his encounter with Jesus Paul, for all his education had no idea that Jesus was the real deal. Even though Jesus was the fulfilment of prophecy that Paul must have learnt about.


This just goes to show that it doesn’t matter how learned you are, the Truth can be right in front of you but you can’t see it.


The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few

God has called you for such a time as this to reach the lost and snatch them from the devils grasps.

There are many souls that you alone can reach and God is waiting for you to step up to the mark. Ask the Lord to open your eyes that you may see clearly the path that He has set before you.

Pray that He reveals to you the person that you should minister to today. Ask Him to give you the wisdom and the words to speak to that person. He will direct your path on a daily basis once you are willing to serve.


God Bless You

Written By

Pastor Donovan Benjamin