How long should I wait to be baptised once I’ve believed?

How long should I wait to be baptised once I’ve believed?

Many verses talk about sinners who when they heard the Gospel and believed were baptised immediately.

The idea of people waiting or churches having baptisms once a year is not in line with biblical practices. Read the following verses:

Acts 8:36 (the Eunuch), Paul’s baptism (Acts 9:18), Gentiles baptism after receiving the Holy Ghost (Acts 10:45-48), baptism of Lydia (Acts 16:14-15), The Jailor and his. Household baptised (Acts 16:33), believed and was baptised (Acts 18:8), why wait for baptism (Acts 22:16).


There should be no reason to wait weeks or even months in some cases for baptism. There will be times when it is not possible right at the moment that someone believes, but at the earliest opportunity it should be done.


Remember that Jesus taught Nicodemus that without being born of the water he could not enter the kingdom of heaven, so you do want to act on this as soon as possible.

Also the devil doesn’t like the idea of people giving their life to the Lord and being baptised, so he’s going to try and stop you by any means possible. So don’t wait!


Written By

Pastor Donovan Benjamin